"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" and I said, "Here I am Lord, send me!"
- Isaiah 6:8

Thursday, January 26, 2012

In Suffering

Today, I have two options. I can choose to rejoice in being a beautiful daughter of the King of Kings, or I can choose to be weighed down by the little tests He’s given me to prove my love for Him. I can choose to love Him unconditionally, or I can falter and fall into thinking that what I’m going through is a result of Him not caring about me. I choose the former.

My Father, the King of Kings has breathed my very breath into me. He gave me everything I have, and will have. He would never give me anything that He knows I can’t handle, unless I let it take me down. My Lord has so much faith in me, who am I to give up on the beautiful trials he has placed before me on my path to eternal glory. He doesn’t need to prove His love for me, He already has already proven that on Calvary and continues to prove it to me daily in the Eucharist.

A couple weeks ago, there was a picture that was going around facebook with this quote on it: “When you are going through something hard, and wonder where God is, remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test.” This kind of hit me because it’s so true. Like a teacher, God isn’t trying to ignore us when we are going through a hard time, tests aren’t suppose to be easy. Instead, he is not responding because He has something that he wants us to learn, and sometimes the only way we are going to learn something is by experience. There are somethings that no matter how many times someone tells us about them, we are not going to believe them, or learn the lesson until we go through it ourselves.

Rejoicing in suffering is not easy, and it is tempting to go and blame God for what we are going through, but what’s the point? God knows the whole picture of our life story, and that there is a purpose for what you are going through in this moment in time. We only see a small snapshot of our life, someday everything will all click together and make sense, but until then all we can do is trust that the One who gave us our life; our very being, knows exactly what He’s doing.

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