"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" and I said, "Here I am Lord, send me!"
- Isaiah 6:8

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wait Upon The Lord

Waiting for other people is something that I’ve never seemed to struggle with. I am a pretty patient person when it comes to other people and waiting for them. Waiting for events to happen is also another thing I do not seem to have a problem with. In fact, the days leading up to my Confirmation day, the anxious waiting of those days, was one of the most joyful times of my life.

But try as I may, one of the things I do struggle with is waiting on the Lord. “I’m calling you, but not just yet.” He seems to say. I can venture to guess that I am not the only one that struggles with this. I’m not going to lie, waiting on the Lord is hard. But the more He makes me wait, the more I learn to trust him and realize that I am impatient, and ungrateful for the many blessings that he has given me in the moment.

God’s timing is absolutely perfect. As I reflect back on things that I asked God for (and was slightly upset for my prayers not being answered right away...) I realize that there was a very specific reason that my prayer wasn’t answered at the exact moment which I prayed them. I’ve learned several things through waiting:

1.) God is making me wait not because he doesn’t care, but because he loves me so much and he wants to teach me something through my waiting.
2.) God doesn’t ignore my prayers, he hears them. He just knows a lot better then I do what the best for me and what will make me more happy then I can imagine.
3.) I have no reason to be angry with God while he is trying to make me happy.
4.) I should really stop being ungrateful for the beautiful gift he has given me in waiting.

God is so wonderful, He really is. That he would still love a sometimes ungrateful person like me, and claim me as his daughter, as his princess, as his beloved. For him to always welcome me with open arms no matter what I’ve done or where I’ve been. I can be in my lowest of lows, and he will just sit there quietly and patiently by my side until I call out to him for his help. Then he rejoices when I call out to him. I just need to learn how to surrender completely to Him and trust that he is leading me in my life’s dance.

God Bless,

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