I was just pondering to myself about the word "Amen". So often we conclude our prayers with this Hebrew word, but how often do we actually stop to think about what we are actually saying?
All to often do we use the word Amen to close our prayers, and that's all. It's like we are using that word to say, "Ok Lord I'm done praying now, let me get back to the other things I was doing." or "yeah whatever", And we tend to do just that. (I'm not pointing fingers, I tend to be guilty of this as well.)
But what does 'Amen' really mean? The Hebrew word translates into English to mean; "Yes, I believe" or even more closely "It is true."
It doesn't mean 'I sort of believe' or 'I think that this is true' it means that 'Yes, I believe that this is true with all my heart, in fact I believe it so much that I am willing to stake my life on it. Let me die if this is not true."
Amen is not a word that we should casually say. We need to be aware of what we are actually saying. It is not just a word we use to end prayers, it's a profession of faith.
Amen. Yes I believe that God exists. Let me die if this is not so.
God Bless you all,
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