"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" and I said, "Here I am Lord, send me!"
- Isaiah 6:8

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"And with your Spirit"

So as all of you English speaking Catholics are by now probably quite aware, we have been given, (or rather, been blessed with.) a new translation of our Mass.

During Vatican II, the bishops who were translating the Mass were more concerned about getting the translation out quickly, rather than accurately.  Thus a new translation was needed to get us more in line with the original Latin, the universal language of the church.  This change was not sudden however; the leaders of the Church had been talking about a new translation for probably around 10 years now.

One of the most noticeable things that has been changed in the people's parts is the change from "And also with you." to "And with your spirit."  This is pretty much word for word from the original Latin text,”et cum spirito tuo."  The other changes are similar to this. Even though some of the changes might seem unnecessary because they mean the same thing, each word has a slightly different meaning after all, if they didn't mean something slightly different why have two words for the same thing?

Along with getting more in line with the Latin and Scripture, we are now closer in line with what the rest of the world is saying. The Catholic Church is about unity and revising the translation gives us the opportunity to say more closely what is being said throughout the whole world.

I know for many Catholics (including myself.) The old translation was something we knew by heart, we were able to rattle off all of the words without really having to think about them, or the meanings behind them.  This new translation forces us to take a step back, and see our mass with a whole new light, and to really think about what we are really saying. 

So let us use this time of transition as a time to enter more deeply into the mass.

God Bless you all,

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