"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" and I said, "Here I am Lord, send me!"
- Isaiah 6:8

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Love of Jesus

This morning, I spent a considerable amount of time in Eucharistic Adoration. Being that today is Valentine's day, I was very happy to be able to spend it with my Eternal Lover. I am not single, I am in an everlasting relationship with Jesus Christ.Eventually all other romances are going to fade away. There is only one romance that will forever remain; the relationship one has with Jesus Christ.

But yet, he gives us the beauty of human relationship.  Why? To help each other grow in holiness and lead one another to the Father. The ultimate goal God gave to each and every one of us is to be with Him in heaven, forever. That is what each of our hearts ultimately longs for. The love that only Jesus can give us.  We have human relationships to help us along our path to heaven.

This day is so over crowded with 'love' and romance, and going on dates. It often leaves so many of us feeling left out because we don't have a 'special someone' to spend the day with. Jesus is always there, longing for us to love him. But are we too busy thinking about how lonely we are without another person to acknowledge his Holy presence? I was pondering that today. We complain about how 'alone' we are. But yet, if you think about it we are NEVER alone.

Jesus just longs for us to love him, but he gives us the free will to choose not to.  He is ultimately the Lover of our Souls, the one that is always there. Plus, He's perfect. There is no way he's going to break off our relationship with Him.  The only way we can damage it is by our own free will.

So on this Valentine's day, join with me in praying for those that truly feel like they are alone. That they might truly see their worth, and just how loved they are.

God Bless you all,

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