I’ll begin this post with a simple question: “What is Truth?” Truth is ‘what is’. If something is true, than logically it cannot be false. For something to be true, we do not have to know that it is true, like that it is true, or prove that it is true, rather it just is true whether we want to admit it or not. If it has not been proven false, than there is still a possibility that it may be true; even if the evidence might point against it. But remember that something that is objectively true is always true, for every single person that ever walked the earth.
So looking logically at what I hold to be a truth, that is the existence of an all knowing, all loving God, we have to take a step back for a moment. God cannot exist and not exist at the same time. Ether he does or he doesn’t. There isn’t any other option. He can’t partly exist ether. Based on the other things that I pointed out in this text, I believe fully that yes, in fact he does exist. And if what I believe holds truth, than it is false that there is no God. However, vise-versa is also true I suppose. If there truly is no God, then I (and billions of other people.) are insanely crazy. Also remember; for something to be true, we don’t have to believe that it’s true, or even like the fact that it is true. It just is true.
The way I see it, everyone in this world is seeking to find out what is true. Even the atheists who claim there is no God have a ‘truth’. They claim that the ‘truth’ is that there is no God. Where does this desire to know the truth come from? Of course human are curious being, but if there is no God, why do we have to we have to waste so much time trying to falsify his existence? What difference would it make? If there is no God, than all the billions and billions of people who ever believed in him were delusional.
Was there a man that walked this earth named Jesus Christ? In fact, historical evidence does point to the existence of Jesus Christ. By logic, if he did exist, than in fact it is impossible for him to not have existed. He could not have existed for some, but not for others. Now if you ask people if Jesus was a good person, most will agree with you that yes, Jesus was a good man. But in fact, Jesus was one of two things: he was ether a good man, and fully God, or he was insanely crazy. He could not be both.
Jesus came onto this earth claiming to be God. If there truly is no God, this claim would be insanely crazy. If in fact Jesus was God, than the fact that God exists is undeniable. In the same way, if it is not true that God exists, than myself and billions and billions of people that have come before me are not good people, we are crazy delusional lunatics that are running loose around the world.
God Bless you all,
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