The Eucharist means many things to me. It means spiritual nourishment for my body and my soul. It means communion with other parts of the Body of Christ, but most importantly it means a very special and intimate encounter with my Lord, my Savior, my Creator, and my Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ.
The Eucharist means consuming into my body the very essence, (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.) of the one who gave me everything that I have; the Creator of the universe. It means my Lord and Savior is intimately entering inside of me. Reception of the Eucharist means belittling myself to the reception of something much much greater then I could ever imagine.
For me, it also means taking part of the sacrifice that happened so long ago on Calvary. It gives me a chance to enter into the mystery of the sacrifice of the cross almost two thousand years after it happened. By taking part in the Holy Sacrifice it means giving my life over completely to Jesus, it means surrendering my very being to His Holy will and His divine plan for my life. It reminds me that I have been set apart, chosen for the furthering of Christ’s church here on earth. It also means that I am member of the Body of Christ. Connected in a very special and divine way to all the other members of God’s Church; both on earth and in Heaven. It means that as one of Christ’s chosen daughters, I have a very special and unrepeatable role to fill here on earth.
God Bless,
One more note, two posts a week has become too much of a challenge for me to do with school and such. For here on out (at least until the end of the school year.) I will be posting once a week on Tuesdays.
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